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RMGA Comments on the BLM Rule Making on Conservation and Landscape Health

July 6, 2023

The proposed Public Lands Rule, which was announced in late March, would provide tools for the BLM to protect, conserve, plan, and better recognize public lands. The RMGA submitted a written response to the proposed rule.

According to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM):

"The proposed Public Lands Rule, which was announced in late March, would provide tools for the BLM to protect healthy public lands in the face of increasing drought, wildfire and climate impacts; conserve important wildlife habitat and intact landscapes; better use science and data in decision-making; plan for thoughtful development; and better recognize unique cultural and natural resources on public lands."

"The proposal would uphold the Bureau of Land Management’s multiple use and sustained yield mission, ensuring the health, diversity, and productivity of public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. By putting conservation on an equal footing with other uses, the proposal would help guide responsible development while safeguarding important places for the millions of people who visit public lands every year to hike, hunt, camp, fish, and more. This proposal comes at a pivotal moment, as our public lands face new and growing challenges. Climate change is driving unprecedented drought and increasingly intense fires, a loss of wildlife, and an influx of invasive species. At the same time, public lands face growing pressure as recreation increases and development on private land disrupts habitat. This proposal would ensure the BLM is able to respond to these pressures, managing for healthy lands today so that it can deliver its multiple use mission now and in the future."

RMGA submitted a written response to the proposed Rule.

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